On this two-part interview episode of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt are joined by interpretative naturalists Ashley Smith and Brandon Baker!

The topic of discussion: an amazing course that Ashley and Brandon developed and are running for students at the Three Rivers Park District in Minnesota. Their course combines environmental studies with D&D.

I think we use the words "cool" and "amazing" to describe the work of many of our guests on this podcast, but these descriptors have never been more accurate and well deserved. Ashley and Brandon are pioneers in creating authentic, engaging, and impactful that fuse education and TTRPGs. If you are interested in hearing more about how educators can integrate D&D into education then this is a must listen!

If you enjoyed listening to Ashley and Brandon, you can hear more from Brandon on his podcast The Wandering Naturalist.

You can listen to the podcast here:


or here:


You can also learn more about the Three Rivers Park District here:


You can also connect with Ashley on Twitter:


Did this interview inspire you to fuse authentic learning into your D&D game? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!

Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!