Rick Tobin, Host of the Destiny Echoes show, visits with Canadian psychic, author and counselor, Raine L. Dalrymple.  Her recent book, Sight Beyond Sight, helps readers to discover ‘Infinite Intelligence,’ the source of knowledge and wisdom that can be revealed to us.  She states, “It is our life map that guides us.  We are elevated into an intuitive awakening.” She explains how the “Eight Keys to Consciousness,” create transformational empowerment, especially in these challenging times. These keys hold values.  By developing and embracing our intuition, we can be better guided in life and manage life concerns.  This is a guidance system to Spiritual Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity. Her work brings that greater message of hope.  In this, we can all grow in consciousness, becoming the best we can be in the MASTERY of self, and in helping the evolution of others. You can find out more about her book, her insights, and counseling practice for psychic readings at: https://www.sightbeyondsight.org/

In this show, Rick also describes the drive of empaths to be creative through whatever moves them to bring something new into this reality. He mentions his own work in writing, painting, photography, music, ceramics, gardening, and even cooking. He furthers plans to share more of some of his works through his growing video presentations at his YouTube site found at:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2nR469cUt28S31TPlCPww

Rick Tobin's manual, "Psychic Self-Defense for the 21st Century" is now available through PayPal payment of just 24.95, and you get a free mp3 file of the correct pronunciation of the words of power in the guide. Go to the Destiny Echoes website for details on how to order:

If you like presentations about unusual stories and myths, Rick Tobin also recommends the Lore and Legends show, with host Wade, at whatever source you use for finding podcasts, and at:
