Rick Tobin, Host of the Destiny Echoes show, provides his insight and experiences that prove animals, and especially our pet companions, have a soul that survives after their passing. He is joined in this show by special guest Allison Culver, Assistant Director of Lightfoot Way. She will describe her experiences with contacting the consciousness and souls of various animals and the holistic perspective of the Lightfoot Mission that life is everywhere, all things are connected, and we can connect with animals to reach and understand their consciousness and the message they bring to us.  

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Key contact and information resources:

Lightfoot Way’s website    https://www.thelightfootway.com/

Kim Shatola’s Book   The Soul Watchers: Animals' Quest to Awaken Humanity


Roberta Grimes’ website   https://robertagrimes.com/afterlife-research/pets-in-the-afterlife