Show 11 of Destiny Echoes, “Ellie Crystal, of Crystalinks, Explores Our Holographic Reality,” with host, Rick Tobin. Ellie is the founder of Crystalinks, known as one of the oldest and most comprehensive locations on the Internet for metaphysical and paranormal information, combined with scientific investigation, fact and breakthroughs. Her lifetime of exploration into the unknown includes world travel and discovery; including her long-time relationship with the spirit, she calls ‘Z’, short for Zoroaster.  

In this interview, Ellie discusses her complicated and deep involvement in the paranormal world; including her profound belief in the holographic program of humanity, which she sees being playing out to an end in the near future, as our algorithm of existence disintegrates in an abrupt closure. 

Her daily blog reaches out to millions who seek her insight and perspective, including her worldwide daily clients who ask for guidance from this gifted writer, adventurer and psychic. Her contact information, writing, videos, along with her vast archive of valuable information can all be found at: