God is known by many names. But what do they all mean? Pastor Eric begins a new series teaching the meaning and importance of the names of God. We begin this series with “Jehovah Ra’ah” - The Lord is my Shepherd.

Scriptures referenced in this message:

·      Psalms 23

·      Genesis 4:2 

·      1 Samuel 17:34-37 

·      Psalm 23:1

·      Matthew 11:28

·      Romans 14:5 

·      Acts 3:19

·      Psalms 29:11

·      John 10:10 

·      Ezekiel 34:23  

·      Isaiah 40:11

·      John 10:11-14

·      1 Peter 5:1-4

·      Isaiah 53:6

·      Hebrews 4:15

·      John 1:29 

·      1 Peter 2:25

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