Sponsored by: do.co/dl Hosts of Destination Linux: Zeb, aka Zebedeeboss = https://youtube.com/zebedeeboss Noah of Ask Noah Show = http://asknoahshow.com Michael of TuxDigital = https://tuxdigital.com Ryan, aka DasGeek = https://dasgeekcommunity.com Want to Support the Show? Support on Patreon or on Ko-Fi Order Destination Linux Apparel Want to follow the show and hosts on social media? You […]

Sponsored by: do.co/dl

Hosts of Destination Linux:

Zeb, aka Zebedeeboss = https://youtube.com/zebedeeboss

Noah of Ask Noah Show = http://asknoahshow.com

Michael of TuxDigital = https://tuxdigital.com

Ryan, aka DasGeek = https://dasgeekcommunity.com

Want to Support the Show?

Support on Patreon or on Ko-Fi

Order Destination Linux Apparel

Want to follow the show and hosts on social media?

You can find all of our social accounts at destinationlinux.org/contact

Topics covered in this episode:

Linux Kernel 5.3 Released

Oracle Autonomous Linux

Stallman Resigns

AMD Epyc Processors Break World Records

Microsoft Employee Reaches Out

The Great Geometric Multiverse Tour

Tips & Tricks:

USB Guard

Software Spotlight:

Our Spotlight this week comes from the community. Linux Maximus writes to say:

> Hi. Linux Maximus here. Great show guys, not one excepted.’


> Sed and Awk are great but I don’t do enough scripting or terminal commands to spend the time learning how they work. And just forget about regex. But I need scripts that replaces one string with another string so I just love Rpl.


> Here is the blurb:

> rpl is a text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new strings

> in multiple text files. It can work recursively over directories and supports

> limiting the search to specific file suffixes.


> The syntax is really simple. Here is an example of replacing a string in a file


> rpl “oldstring” “newstring” /path/to/file


> It also has a other options like dry-run and backup of old files. Just run rpl –help and you get a easy overview of options. Very cool little project for us that like the terminal, but not That much.


> And again great show guys. More guests!

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