Welcome to Episode 77 of Destination Linux Our special guest today is Ryan Sipes of Thunderbird About Ryan Sipes Community Manager for Thunderbird Former System76 Community Manager Technologist Community Builder Social Media For Ryan Twitter Blog Linkedin Keybase Github Thunderbird release notes Thunderbird 60.0 Release Notes Report a Bug How to get involved with Thunderbird […]

Welcome to Episode 77 of Destination Linux

Our special guest today is Ryan Sipes of Thunderbird

About Ryan Sipes

Community Manager for Thunderbird
Former System76 Community Manager
Community Builder

Social Media For Ryan

Thunderbird release notes
Thunderbird 60.0 Release Notes
Report a Bug
How to get involved with Thunderbird
Thunderbird Bug report for subject line
Donate to Thunderbird




Destination Linux Apparel

Destination Linux Youtube

Where Can You Find Us This Week

Rocco can be found at www.bigdaddylinux.com

Ryan can be found on youtube at www.youtube.com/dasgeek

Zeb can be found on youtube at www.youtube.com/zebedeeboss

Michael can be found at www.tuxdigital.com

All of us can be found on Big Daddy Linux Live! Which is on every Saturday night on the BigDaddyLinux Youtube channel


@bigdaddylinux @dasgeekchannel @TuxDigitalcom @zebedeeboss

A big thank you to each and every one of you for supporting us by watching or listening to Destination Linux. Contact us through [email protected] and we also look forward to responding to your comments on disqus at www.destinationlinux.org

Everybody have a great week and remember the Journey ITSELF is just as important as the Destination

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