We've all probably had a nasty tasting protein bar at one point or another. Sticks to your teeth, tastes like chalk, makes you feel sick... They can be gross. 

Michelle Razavi and Nikki Elliott set out to change that with Elavi. What started as an experiment in Michelle's kitchen to get more collagen in her diet has turned into a full-time, fast-growing health food company. Launching in the fall of 2019 (originally as BYLD Bar), the two co-founders with set out to answer their need for a tasty, filling, good-for-you snack that fit in with their crazy schedules. Over a year after their initial launch the Elavi brand is thriving with its new name, three unique flavors, and a growing list of retail placements. 

In this episode we talked all about how this pair of fitness nuts brought their idea from concept to shelves, the unique partnership the two share, and swapped a few INCREDIBLE stories about lost shipments and dating app consumer testing. 

If you want to get your hands on their delicious snacks, you can purchase straight from their site at elavi.co or keep up with the latest and greatest on Instagram @heyelavi. And the best part of all... they gave me a custom promo code to get some of their goodies! Use STAYWEIRD10 at checkout for 10% off.

And if you're trying to hang with me on the internet... 

Twitter - @ry3dunn 

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