You know those people who have a contagious energy about them? That as soon as they open their mouth you find yourself hanging on every word they say? That's this week's guest on Destination Different. We've got ourselves Benny Lieber, or "Alpine Benny" as he is known in the climbing world. Benny is a full-time mountaineer, alpine guide, and just overall a general adventurer and badass.

After completing a degree at design school, he pulled a complete 180, moving out to Mt. Rainier just to be in the mountains. He has never turned back. Since that moment he has lived and worked all over the world from Alaska, to Nepal, to New Zealand, to his current home in Bozeman, Montana. He's not just climbing for the sake of climbing, either. He has married his skills as a designer and marketer to acquire sponsors and outdoor adventure partners who help fund his love of the outdoors.

In addition to the stories of Benny chasing his dream, we also heard some UNREAL stories from him about living alone on a glacier surrounded only by bears, capsizing and raft and being forced to sleep in a tent, and riding in a buggy with goats on the roof in the Himalayas. 

Awesome interview. Be sure to give it a listen and also be sure to check out what Benny is doing at and @bennylieb on Instagram. 

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