I just went back in the archives and discovered that today, September 29th, marks exactly two years to the day since I launched the first episode of Destination Different. What a two years it has been. 

When I started this thing I was living in my parents' basement. I had no job and had absolutely NO idea what I was doing. We were still living in a pre-pandemic world and life was a whole lot different. 

Since that first episode I have learned a lot. 

It's easy to start up a creative project like this and just think it's going to blow up overnight. That's natural. It's almost NEVER how these things go, but it's natural nonetheless. I thought I was going to start this podcast and within a few months have millions of listeners and be rolling in the ad deals. Safe to say that didn't quite happen...

If you're on the outside looking in it may not seem like this podcast has grown tremendously in the last two years. The listener numbers aren't skyrocketing, I don't have a massive social following, and there aren't "Destination Different" articles in major publications. 

But I do know what has gone into this. I know how much better the product has gotten. And I know that every single person who has come on this show has enjoyed themselves and believed in the concept.

There is something here. All it takes is a little patience.

I'm doing a content challenge from now through the end of 2021. If you want to follow the chaos. Hit those links below:

Twitter - @ry3dunn 

Instagram - @destinationdifferent

TikTok - @destinationdifferent

Twitter Mentions