For over two years I've been churning out podcasts, interviewing interesting people, and trying to grow this show. Yet, if you were to look at the progress in terms of listenership or momentum you wouldn't see a whole lot. Outside of a few minor peaks and valleys, it has been pretty flat since the day I launched.

I'm still not sure I've quite figured out who this show is for or what "niche" it belongs in. But when it comes to the internet, it seems like the narrower you go, the more niche your niche, the better chance you have at building an audience.

If you think that two years is a long time to have been doing this podcast, my college roommate Will and I have been running a Boston College fan account for the last decade. TEN YEARS of tweeting every game and every coaching move or fan news. And over those ten years we have amassed a modest following of 2,000+ people on Twitter. It might not seem like a lot, but they are all extremely passionate, vocal, and invested in a very specific topic. It's not hard for us to make content because we do it out of love and we know exactly who it's for.

This past week we put tee shirts on sale for the first time ever. In 48 hours we've already made over $1000. That's crazy and that's the power of a niche audience on the internet. 

In the next 5-10 years millions of people will make full-time livings on the backs of niche communities or passions on the internet. And maybe that's  who this show is for... creative and entrepreneurs who want to make a career out of something they love.

Anyways, little bit of a different feel this week, but I hope you like it!

I'm trying to learn TikTok... If you want to follow the chaos. Hit the link below:

Twitter - @ry3dunn 

Instagram - @destinationdifferent

TikTok - @destinationdifferent

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