Today marks the big 4-oh. Episode 40 of the Destination Different podcast and I couldn't be more excited to have reached this point. As I did for Episode 30, I wanted to take this time to reflect on how the show has grown and offer up a transparent look behind the scenes into my world.

Over the past few months during quarantine I have had a number of people reach out to me about some of the more nuanced details of starting a podcast. What software to I use? What mic to I record with? How do I edit? Etc. etc. And it made me realize that I've never formally documented what it was like for me starting a podcast, so in this episode you'll get all of that. I am by no means an expert podcaster, and I take a pretty bare bones approach, but for anyone thinking of starting a podcast, I have been in your shoes before.

In this episode I outline the 3 key things I feel are necessary to get a podcast up and running, and then a bonus 4th section that I'm calling "All the things I know I should be doing and probably should be doing, but am currently not doing."

If you're even TOYING with the idea of starting a podcast, please please pleaseeeeee reach out to me. I have absolutely loved hosting the show and would love nothing more than to chat with someone who is starting from square one. Email is [email protected]. Happy to help in any way that I can.

40 down. 400 more to go. Hope you enjoy!

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