It has happened to all of us at one point or another...

You come across a homeless person on the street and want to give them a couple bucks for a sandwich or a water or some basic necessities. But when you reach into your wallet you realize you've got no cash.

In an increasingly digital world the homeless have fewer options.

GiveCard has set out to fix that. Founded by Lurein Perera and Diksha Thach, the duo's model is to put a couple hundred dollars a month on a debit card, put it in the hands of the homeless, and trust that they will do good with it.

So far it seems to be working.

The non-profit has already seen multiple homeless participants find places to live after getting access to a card. I'm over here hosting a podcast and they're out here changing the world... Color me impressed.

If you want to keep up with what GiveCard is doing or donate to this incredible cause, you can support on their website at

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