You ever meet someone who is such an incredible artist that you don't know whether their work is real or fake?
That's Hussain Almossawi.
He is a man of many titles. A product designer, visual effects artist, 3D motion designer, CGI artist, director, and all around just general badass. He has worked for cream of the crop brands like Nike and Adidas designing for the likes of Kobe Bryant, Paul Pogba, and James Harden. Hussain grew up on the tiny Middle Eastern island of Bahrain and the story of his progression through the product design industry is nothing short of fascinating.
We talked at great length about how he consistently innovates in his work by blurring the lines between different artistic mediums and applications. We also discussed what it was like working for the biggest athletes (and brands) in the world, starting his own design firm, and how his love of sport and art put him in the position he's in today.
If you want to follow along with Hussain you can check him out on Instagram @mossawi_ or on his website at

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