On this week's episode host Ryan Dunn discusses what it's going to take to elevate Destination Different to the next level.

After two years and over 100 episodes the podcast has hit a bit of a plateau in terms of listenership and general excitement. What changes could be made to drive future growth of the show?

We look at other top performing podcasts and the concepts that make them sticky, as well as look inward at Destination Different from the show format to the target audience to the distribution to the general premise.

If you're a regular listener of the Destination Different and have ideas for how to make it better, please email [email protected] to make your thoughts known.

The new Destination Different website is now LIVE. Check it out and let me know how much you hate it.

Website - destinationdifferent.co 

Instagram - @destinationdifferent 

TikTok - @destinationdifferent