Author of "Kitchen Witchery (Unlocking the Magick in Everyday Ingredients)" - Laurel Woodward joins me for the hour to discuss her favorite ingredients and recipes!

From the Publisher's site:

Transform the mundane chore of preparing a meal into a magickal act of healing and manifesting.  This guide elevates the way you cook and prepare meals, and it presents a wide variety of correspondences, techniques, and recipes for every ingredient in your kitchen. Organized by food type, this book teaches you the magickal ins and outs of breads, beans, nuts, oils, sweets, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and even

gluten-free meals. Laurel Woodward shares the magick of everyday things, revealing how each task can be like a ritual of creation. You’ll enjoy recipes for the seasons, special oil and seasoning blends, and other clever ways to make any ingredient into a magickal tool. 

Laurel has been a witch for 20 years and is also a tarot reader. She has written for magazines and ezines on the subjects of healthy living, organic gardening, sustainable living, and the magick of tapping creative energy.

Visit her at