Get the featured cocktail recipe: Market Raspberry Margerita

In our new special series, Get Bar Ready, Gina gives us the “how-to’s” to get our at-home bars in tip-top shape. Having the essentials, creating your own ingredients and knowing how (and how long) to keep them, is key to crafting delicious cocktails. So, on each GBR episode, she will be giving us the step-by-step instructions we need to become the master of own bar.  

In this episode, Gina teaches us how to make a simple raspberry-sage syrup. Yes, its simple, but her pro tips make sure it's perfect.

For starters, make sure you always have the following at the ready:Vodka. Gin. Bourbon. Rye Whiskey. Tequila. Mezcal. Triple Sec. Vermouth (dry and sweet). Angostura Bitters. Peychauds Bitters. Bittermens Orange Bitters.

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