In the second part of our chat with Aubrey Slater, the delightful co-owner of Saint Luna Moonshine, we unravel the enigma of how she discovered what it takes to be a good man by transitioning into a woman. This "twisted little tree" is now flourishing with resilience as she embraces a life brimming with excitement and unapologetic individuality. And prepare your glasses, because she's concocting her incredible recipe for a milk punch moonshine cocktail that's so velvety smooth, it'll make silk feel jealous. Allow us to present to you... The Silky!

Get the featured cocktail recipe: Aubrey Slater’s Clarified Milk Punch  

Looking for the best cocktail to accompany you while you listen. Then head over to our library of libations for the right recipe to get you in the mood. Don't forget to follow, download and review to share your thoughts about the show!


The Designated Drinker Show is produced by Missing Link—a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, we craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

Also in the Missing Link line-up of podcasts, is Rodger That—a podcast dedicated to guiding you through the haze of dementia led by skilled caregivers, Bobbi and Mike Carducci. 

Now, if you are looking for a whole new way to enjoy the theater, check out Between Acts—an immersive audio theater podcast experience. Each episode takes you on a spellbinding journey through the works of newfound playwrights—from dramas to comedies and everything in between.