Get the featured cocktail recipe: Ain’t No Sunshine, When She’s Gone

Poet is an influential multi-media personality, yes. But she is so much more. When she walks into a room, her energy fills the space and her lust for life is intoxicating. She is definitely someone who betters the world and the people she’s around. So, if she calls you friend, you should count yourself as one of the lucky ones. For your daily dose of her inspiring straight-forward insightfulness and advice on navigating any obstacle into a workable solution, tune-in to her radio show, Midday Shenanigans on WERQ FM—Baltimore or find her all over your social media channel of choice. Facebook  Instagram  Twitter  #BaconBits #JustCuriousLife.

#CocktailingAloneTogether and want more recipes to brighten up your day during these tough times? Then head over to our library of libations for more recipes a bit of sunshine in your glass. Don't forget to subscribe, download and review to share your thoughts about the show!

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