Get the featured cocktail recipes: High Makamaka Paloma

Educator. Author. Culinary disruptor. Kristen Coffield of inspires us to take control of the controllable, create the right “conditions of life” to live healthier and get rid of all the sh*t that no longer serves us. She shares with us how to develop a few culinary habits that can profoundly influence our health, happiness and longevity. So, if your looking for a few starting points to help you become a healthier version of yourself, then this epi might be exactly what you need to kick-start that effort.

It gets even better with Torrence’s “retoxing while you’re detoxing” cocktail for sure!

Ready to hit 2020 head on? Then head over to our library of libations and find another cocktail to celebrate all that's yet to come. Don't forget to subscribe, download and review to share your thoughts about the show!