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Creatives Ignite helps solopreneurs by providing workshops, coaching, and a community. Our mission is to encourage & connect creative entrepreneurs so no one ever feels alone on their entrepreneurial journey.

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I am excited to connect you with my one of my best friends since 8th grade, Amy Bryant. She is a professional, licensed counselor and has been integral in helping me with all kinds of things I have struggled with over the years.

Most recently Amy and I have been discussing neurodiversity and how different people's brains work. This is another reason why we focus a whole month on mental health. I never want anyone to feel alone, and a lot of people feel different or awkward and this can make them feel isolated.

My brain works different than others but as a kid I thought I wasn't as smart as others. Amy has a heart for helping people who are hurting and she makes a huge difference to the clients she works with and their families. It is important to ask for help, professional help. It is also important to know that everyone is different. We don't have to fit into the same boxes. For us creatives this is a superpower and helps us in our jobs. We have to embrace it.

Episode 457 Aired LIVE on January 17, 2024

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