Valerie Casey is Senior Vice President and Chief Design Officer at Walmart where she leads a team of amazing designers creating the future of retail. Her team’s mission is to bring access and dignity through design excellence to everyone, regardless of their zip code or bank account balance. Valerie’s team uses design thinking and rapid experimentation to inspire and align cross-functional groups throughout the portfolio – from creating customer experiences and employee tools to designing digital products and in-store services. 
Prior to Walmart, Valerie was Chief Product Officer at Samsung NEXT, and an executive leader at world-renowned design studios IDEO, frog design and Pentagram. She is the founder of the Designers Accord, the largest global community of designers working together to create positive social and environmental impact. Valerie was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. She has served on several boards, including the Ford CX Board, WEF Entrepreneurship Council, and the Kleiner Perkins Design Council. Casey was named: 100 Most Creative People in Business, Fast Company; Guru of the Year, Fortune magazine; Hero of the Environment, Time magazine; Master of Design, Fast Company; one of the World's Most Influential Designers, Businessweek. She holds a BA from Swarthmore College and an MED from Yale.
Episode Mentions:
Website: Designers Accord
Website: Core77: Adopt the Designers Accord
Article: Walmart Made An Incredibly Sharp Move This Month Hiring Valerie Casey
Video: Brainstorm Design 2022 - Designing A Regenerative Company
Follow Valerie: Twitter | LinkedIn
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Check out the Health Design Lab
Production by Robert Pugliese
Edit by Fernando Queiroz
Cover Design by Eden Lew
Theme song by Emmanuel Houston
Indexed in the Library of Congress: ISSN 2833-2032

Valerie Casey is Senior Vice President and Chief Design Officer at Walmart where she leads a team of amazing designers creating the future of retail. Her team’s mission is to bring access and dignity through design excellence to everyone, regardless of their zip code or bank account balance. Valerie’s team uses design thinking and rapid experimentation to inspire and align cross-functional groups throughout the portfolio – from creating customer experiences and employee tools to designing digital products and in-store services. 

Prior to Walmart, Valerie was Chief Product Officer at Samsung NEXT, and an executive leader at world-renowned design studios IDEO, frog design and Pentagram. She is the founder of the Designers Accord, the largest global community of designers working together to create positive social and environmental impact. Valerie was honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. She has served on several boards, including the Ford CX Board, WEF Entrepreneurship Council, and the Kleiner Perkins Design Council. Casey was named: 100 Most Creative People in Business, Fast Company; Guru of the Year, Fortune magazine; Hero of the Environment, Time magazine; Master of Design, Fast Company; one of the World's Most Influential Designers, Businessweek. She holds a BA from Swarthmore College and an MED from Yale.

Episode Mentions:

Website: Designers Accord

Website: Core77: Adopt the Designers Accord

Article: Walmart Made An Incredibly Sharp Move This Month Hiring Valerie Casey

Video: Brainstorm Design 2022 - Designing A Regenerative Company

Follow Valerie: Twitter | LinkedIn

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Follow @BonKu on Twitter & Instagram

Check out the Health Design Lab

Production by Robert Pugliese

Edit by Fernando Queiroz

Cover Design by Eden Lew

Theme song by Emmanuel Houston

Indexed in the Library of Congress: ISSN 2833-2032

Twitter Mentions