Previous Episode: Taira Perrault
Next Episode: Moira Gilligan

Ringling College of Art & Design and Accenture alumus (he currently works for Brunswick Creative), Yuri Priamo Canales joins me to talk about high level brand strategy in experiential design, running disruption sessions in the Mural whiteboard space, questioning what the client thinks they want for design deliverables, and trying to understand the Metaverse. He also retells the story of organizing his own New York City apartment viewing before anybody else had a chance to look at it, thus ensuring he got the apartment and upsetting at least one real estate agent in the process. We also discuss getting into graphic design through is father’s vinyl record collection and learning a lot about his Ringling faculty by packing up their offices to move into new building. Pass the box cutter, it’s time to unpack episode 04.


Show Links

Yuri’s portfolioLinkedIn ProfileInstagram ProfileAccentureBrunswick CreativeStorm ThorgersonAlex SteinweissMuralRingling College of Art & Design


The Intro Music

Synergistic Effect by morgantj (copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.)