This week, we discuss what it means to have and develop taste. From software to fashion, styles change, trends come and go, so what does it mean to be tasteful? In The Sidebar, we discuss the hacker mindset and building for an audience of one. This, plus cool things like a handy iPhone app and a killer new VR game!

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Huge shoutouts to our latest Very Important Pixels – we crossed 200 this week!

Divya Tak
Ugochukwu Ifezue
Sara Zhang
Joey Banks
Nejat Seçkin Oral
Kyler Phillips
Jaimin Desai
Sophia Pang
Steve Clark
Suzy Cui
Simon Taranto

The Sidebar:

The Sidebar is an exclusive weekly segment for our Patreon supporters. You can subscribe for just $1 per month for access to full episodes going forward! Sign up at

In this week's Sidebar we discuss the hacker mentality, and building things for an audience of one.


Sam Bazalo wrote a case study about removing usability frustrations in Tradify: "A mini case study detailing my mission to make Tradify a better product by identifying and fixing high touch moments of frustration."
Divya Tak agrees that putting opinions on a scale of how much you care can help to quickly resolve disagreements.
Followup-pup from Karl, last week's question asker: "Thanks for answering my question boys! @brian_lovin’s final point was super helpful because it perfectly represents the situation I think I’m in. Startup land with minimal resource. I have a habit of fighting every fight so I better run down some of those hills fast..."
Jacob Lindström shared his early blog, very late-2000's – thanks for sharing!


Jared Lodwick shared a nice photo of his Design Details tee shirt, getting retired after four years of weekly wear.

Listener Question:

Tiffany Yu says: "Hey there! Wanted to thank you for this podcast. It's been super helpful. I also wanted to share that doing a talk on developing taste would be great."
With that in mind, let's talk about developing taste!

Soft-close drawers are a wonderful upgrade.
Things is good software.

Cool Things:

Brian shared Beat Saber and Half-Life Alyx, two incredible VR games that are redefining his impressions of what is possible in VR. If you have a headset, these are must-plays.

Marshall is waiting until his Valve Index to arrive before diving in.
Rafa, of Layout fame, is fearless in VR, apparently.

Marshall shared RoboKiller, a handy iOS app to block spam calls and filter your spammy text messages. It's a few bucks a month, but worth the peace of mind.

Design Details on the Web:

📻 We are @designdetailsfm

🎙 Brian is @brian_lovin
🎙 Marshall is @marshallbock
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