In this final episode of 2018, we speak with Zack Onisko, CEO of Dribbble, about our speculation regarding signup walls and the future of the platform. In News, we dissect Dark Mode triggering methods. And as always, we share a couple cool things, including a personalized music recap and a YouTube channel that rewrites superhero movies.


Michael Knepprath asks: "What challenges have you faced due to there being multiple people and a dog that can all trigger your devices?"

Video: "Seinfeld Transitions Compilation"

More shortcuts:

On the iOS homescreen, 3D Touch a folder to see all apps with notification badges in that folder
On the iOS homescreen, drag down to enter Spotlight and easily search apps (or anything else)
Luca Orio mentioned: On macOS, press Cmd+Shift+4 then Space to screenshot specific windows, including their shadow on a transparent background
Silas Sao mentioned: On the iOS homescreen, when dragging an app in "Wiggle Mode," tap other apps to rearrange more than one at a time


Things introduces "Dark Mode for iOS"


Zack Onisko is the CEO of Dribbble and was nice enough to join us to answer some of the questions we posed in episode "274: Well... It's Free ¯\(ツ)/¯"
Note: It's important to "RIGBY" properly when critiquing

One Cool Thing:

Marshall shared Nando v Movies, a YouTube channel that analyses and rewrites superhero movies via subtle suggestions

Video Playlist: "The Justice League Rewrite"

Brian shared Spotify Wrapped 2018, the service's annual recap of your music listening habits

Design Details on the Web:

We are @designdetailsfm

Brian is @brian_lovin
Marshall is @marshallbock
@Sarahberus and @Luperdev make us sound smarter than we are

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