Previous Episode: 268: I Want It That Way

This week, we discuss Morgan Knutson's tweetstorm regarding his time working on the sunsetting Google+, and we extract some nuggets of wisdom worth exploring, especially negotiating one's starting compensation at a new job. Then we share a couple cool things, including another little Mac productivity utility and a beautifully useful camera app for iOS.


Check out the Job Board if you're looking to hire or get hired
VSCO is hiring a senior product designer
Game Maker’s Toolkit's latest entry in his Designing for Disability series is about "Making Games Better for Players with Motor Disabilities"
Time Travel (introduced in watchOS 2) was removed in watchOS 5
Thanks, UXOrigami! And you too can leave us an iTunes review :)


"Google is shutting down Google+ for consumers following security lapse"
Morgan Knutson aired some "dirty laundry" in a tweetstorm about his experiences working on Google+


Buffer has a transparent salary system
Tyler Galpin was kind enough to point out that it's now illegal in California for employers to ask applicants about their prior salary
Patrick McKenzie wrote "Salary Negotiation: Make More Money, Be More Valued"

One Cool Thing:

Note: For future reference, "It's Not New, But It Is Cool" will be shortened to "INNBIIC"
Marshall shared Yoink, a drag-and-drop utility for Mac
Fitt's Law says that the time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the ratio between the distance to the target and the width of the target
Brian shared Halide, an iOS camera app developed by Sebastiaan de With and Ben Sandofski
"What Does It Mean When Apple "Sherlocks" an App?"

Design Details on the Web:

We are @designdetailsfm
Brian is @brian_lovin
Marshall is @marshallbock
@Sarahberus and @Luperdev make us sound smarter than we are
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