We made it! Another milestone in the Design Details archive: episode 250 πŸŽ‰

For this special episode we hosted a live show with our friends May-Li Khoe, Katie Dill, and Soleio Cuervo. In the conversation we dig into hiring junior designers, how to identify talent, equity and salary negotiations, building a career rubric, and so much more. Also, a huge thank you to Combine for hosting us in their beautiful new space!

To everyone who's joined us on this 250 episode marathon: thank you! Whether this is your first or 250th episode listening in, we appreciate your support and feedback; thank you! We also want to announce - to avoid too big of a surprise - that after episode 256 Bryn will be stepping away from the show. We'll have more updates on Twitter in the coming weeks if you'd like to stay posted.

Now, on to the show!

May-Li on the web


Katie on the web


Soleio on the web



Thanks to Abstract for sponsoring today's episode!

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