This week we caught up with Cennydd Bowles over Skype for a truly fascinating discussion about cross-OS design, the future of wearables, what it means to be a junior vs. senior designer, and why sound design will be the next big trend.

If you have feedback or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm or email us directly!


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Code School - Learn to code from the comfort of your browser
Video: Unmasking HTML Emails

Cennydd on the Web:

A List Apart articles
Undercover User Experience Design (The Book)
The Pastry Box Project writing
The Ethical Designer - Talk

Show Notes:

5:00 - What are you working on these days? How did you get started at Twitter?


16:00 - We talk mobile design, Windows and the OS landscape.

Windows 10 can run iOS and Android
Outlook for iOS

27:00 - Cennydd has more experience with wearables than most.

Samsung Gear S
Moto 360
Apple Watch
LG G Watch

36:00 - What are your hunches about the future of design for wearables?

Dragon Ball Z Revival of F

39:00 - Cennydd shares his thoughts on the toxic MVP.

"Delighted that ‘MVP’ is starting to be seen as toxic."
4 Reasons MVPs Fail
Minimum Lovable Product
The Ethical Designer - Talk

48:00 - Thoughts on the process of creation and iteration, junior vs. senior designers.

Letter to a Junior Designer

Twitter Mentions