This episode, we dug into our concerns after all the Apple Watch reviews came out with a couple of our favorite iOS developers: Caleb Davenport and Jake Marsh. This episode was completely ridiculous and fun (even moreso if you caught the Periscope livestream featuring the inimitable Marc Hemeon). We discuss the models that each of us pre-ordered as well as Amazon Dash and our most-hoped-for features of the Apple Watch when it finally comes out!

If you have feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm!


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Caleb on the Web:

North Technologies

Jake on the Web:

Deallocated Objects

4:00 - We discuss the Apple Watch pre-orders

"The Marco Special"
Marc Hemeon
Kevin Rose
Caleb's Nomos Glashütte
Bryn's Rado
Grande Sonnerie

9:00 - California vs Not California

Khoi's episode
Cap's episode
Om Malik
Sam Soffes
Jared Erondu & his donuts
Bonus Apple Watch episode with Sam Soffes

13:00 - Technical Difficulties of the Apple Watch

Transit for Apple Watch
"Bono/Tim Cook Finger Thing"
The Sweet Solution
"Underscore" David Smith
David Smith's Watch Apps

21:00 - Amazon Dash

Poppy by Quirky

23:30 - ...aaaaaand back to the Watch

Louie Mantia
Mickey's foot is wrong
Jake's TMNT blog post
David Wise

Twitter Mentions