What you will learn :

How colours influence you?What different colors mean in design and marketing?How colors affect your mood?How are colors affect you postively and negatively?Which are the Different Brands and companies who use specific colours on purpose.

Links to resources shown in the Video : 

Youtube Video : https://youtu.be/pyDhlLUhNNc


Free Training for Entrepreneurs/Influencers - Uncomplicated Design Bootcamp

Learn how to create great designs using simple tools

Access Now : https://www.designclans.com/design-bootcamp-for-entrepreneurs/


Connect with Santhosh Shetty : 

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Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/designclans/


Subscribe and Listen : Podcast for Entrepreneurs :

Itunes : https://www.santhoshshetty.com/apple-podcast

Spotify : https://www.santhoshshetty.comd/podcast-in-spotify

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Google Podcast : https://www.santhoshshetty.com/podcasting-in-google

More : https://podcast.designclans.com


Resources for Entrepreneurs/Influencers :

Tools and resources : https://www.santhoshshetty.com/resources

Products for Entrepreneurs : https://www.designclans.com/store


Subscribe for free tutorials, tips, growth hacks and resources :

Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ0Bm6AiEOewteWhq_wztRA