If you're a graphic designer looking to increase revenue, we've got 10 easy upsells for you to consider offering to your clients. 

With love,
Kris & Don xo 


For transcript click here.

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We have a facebook group especially for our beloved podcast listeners! 🤗

You can join here:

This little corner of the internet is your place to chat about the topics we share on the Design & Prosper podcast, ask questions and get the support from a beautiful community of designers.

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https://www.designandprosper.co/theacademy ✨

Looking to up-level your graphic design business with elevated systems, comprehensive training and ongoing support?

We run our business school for graphic, web and brand designers three times a year. You can sign up today! 

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If you want to elevate your design business, and you'd love access to Design & Prosper's complete design business roadmap—jump on the waitlist and you'll be the first notified when doors re open.Looking for FREE resources to help you thrive in business?

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Are we friends on instagram yet? 🤗