Following on from episode 43—Design Business Boundaries Part 1 // New Client Relationships, these boundaries will have you covered for those tricky situations that arise around money and getting paid.

Talking about money, talking about what our work is worth, and asking for prompt payment are amongst the hardest aspects of being a designer in business. Some of us have such a huge block with this that it can cripple our businesses.

Full show notes: 💌

Click to watch on youtube: 👀

Much love,
Kris & Donna xo

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We only open up our doors to our 12-week transformational group learning experience for designers in business twice a year.

Enrolments for our September round have just closed, with our next round being planned for February 2022.

If you want to elevate your design business, and you'd love access to Design & Prosper's complete design business roadmap—jump on the waitlist and you'll be the first notified when doors re open.

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Confused about pricing your graphic design projects? Download our free pricing guide.

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