There was no other choice. Sometimes the love of music is so deeply ingrained--the need to express yourself so keenly felt-- no matter the cost. Coming out of Campbellford,Ontario, he started early. Some kids treat piano lessons like a chore, but he treated them like a lifeline. A way out. He grew up and fell in love with bass. Soon studying every aspect of music and lyric writing. He found himself deconstructing sound, what worked and owhat didn’t. Like so many frustrated small-town kids, he found a voice in influences--Eminem and Rage Against the Machine, Nas and Marilyn Manson. When he grew up,he got out, and he started creating a voice all his own. Moving to Toronto, Krosst Out began to work obsessively, both in the studio and on stage, finding the sound that has become uniquely him. Slowly, he became known as the live performer who could convert a crowd in a hurry. Doing the rounds in small clubs and performing in front a drunk audience more times than he could count. Krosst Out has found himself crisscrossing the country, performing in venues from British Columbia,to Quebec, to New Brunswick, and back again. Bringing an energy and a passion, so even the people in the back with no idea who he was sure knew by the time he hit the last note. Now his upcoming album, Phone Calls With Ghosts, will serve as a reminder of what he’s achieved and how far he still wants to go. It is the culmination of the sound and ideas he’s been developing since he first tentatively touched a piano key in Campbellford all those years ago. Where hip hop krosses punk. Where introspective writing krosses party anthems.Where a small town upbringing krosses big city ambition. Where the work so far krosses the work still to come. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Krosst Out, and please give it up for his new single ‘Edges’