Chrystia Freeland cautions Canada on Travel to the United States on October 14 2021

On the heels of news that the United States will reopen its border to Canadians for leisure travel, calls have grown for the Canadian government to scrap its COVID-19 testing requirement to re-enter the country.

When asked about the possibility, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland offered a reminder for Canadians while fielding questions from the media Thursday in Washington: “the rules are the rules.”

The Canadian border is currently open for recreational travel, but only to Americans who can prove they’ve been fully vaccinated and can present a negative PCR test.

But boards of trade, chambers of commerce and tourism organizations in both the United States and Canada have called on the government to scrap that requirement.

Freeland added that Canadians should "err on the side of caution" when it comes to travelling across the border.

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