In our final interview from the Voices of Dentistry Podcast Summit 2018, we go out with style!  Our guest this episode is none other than THE Tarun Agarwal, DDS— commonly known as T-BONE!  He came all the way from Boston, Mass. to be with us in Scottsdale, Arizona.

On this episode, Justin and T-Bone are joined by Mike Freimuth, Randy Houska and Gabe Olson (who is still standing at this point, which is amazing).  In it they go into a bit of banter back and forth before going into details about a charity campaign that will ultimately raise $50,000 for a charity of Sully Sullivan's (from the Millennial Dentist) choice, in exchange for shaving his head!  More details on that to come.

Unfortunately, this podcast came to an abrupt halt mid-way through because someone touched the record button and paused recording, unbeknownst to everyone.  Yes, we're amateurs.  I guess that's always a danger of drinking on the job!  Anyway, please enjoy what we have recorded from this podcast and definitely check out T-Bone's podcast, T-Bone Speaks, if you haven't already.
