Want to increase your collections without increasing your expenses? One of the most important metrics you can use for this is your Average Transaction Value (ATV). This metric plays a prominent role in most businesses, but in dentistry it often gets overlooked. So this week, Jeff discusses how to calculate your ATV and how to increase it while keeping the focus on doing what’s right for patients and having a standard of care.


1:12 – What is your ATV? And how should you calculate it?

7:03 – Four ways to increase your ATV (without over-diagnosing or pressuring your patients)


New Patient Intake Form - https://www.mgeonline.com/np-intake-form

The MGE Communication & Sales Seminars - https://www.mgeonline.com/abc

Free PPO Exit Strategy Session - https://www.mgeonline.com/ppo-exit-strategy

Full Mouth Restorative Course - https://www.ddsclinical.com