Lots to talk about in podcast 80. You can also watch the video but there is a special segment in this podcast that you have to listen to which is the dealership segment. It is not in the video. 

Special Guest: Daniel Gromm from https://www.dentdynamics.net

PDR Tools That Don't Suck Episode 1 

Willey Quick Door Jammer - https://www.willeyquicktools.com/product/blue-wq-door-jammer

Keco Hail Cold Glue Tabs - https://www.kecotabs.com/collections/glexo-cold-glue/products/keco-cold-glue-hail-tab-and-silicone-cap-set-4-tabs

Tequila DG Pick Set -

Skin Wedge - R & I Tool -

Watch the video podcast here.

Dave Schaulat Dealership Podcast segment. https://denttimepdr.com/67-dealership-pricing-and-tip-with-david-schaulat/