Turns out the game about an isolated banana republic will have come political commentary in it? Who could've imagined? I guess it took a lot of Far Cry fans with poor reading comprehension skills by surprise. CDPR has no clue when Cyberpunk 2077 will be back on PlayStation. Sony is probably financially flexing on 2K Games and players are the ones to suffer.  EA is making stupid amounts of money from one aspect of their games. Carrie correctly called the E3 leak. And now you can letter in...Smash Bros?   Use our Amazon page to donate to the show: www.densepixels.com/amazon Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Dense Pixels We have a Discord server! - www.densepixels.com/fans You can now follow us on Twitch! Brad - DensePixelsBrad Terrence - App4RITioN410 Micah - denseblacknerd Carrie - supitscarrie