In this episode of Adventures in Visibility, I invite my long-time friend and colleague, Kathleen Gage, to discuss her new book and how you can build massive online visibility.

Kathleen Gage recently launched her latest book, Power Up for Profits, and in it she provides proven solutions for how to quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively establish a strong presence using many online tactics.

During the interview we discussed some of the strategies Kathleen used to get visibility for her book launch, as well as what it means to have an online business today. Attitudes and beliefs have changed a lot since I started working online in 1996 and we discuss how those changes affect our businesses today.

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Kathleen Gage is the “no-nonsense, common sense” online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist and owner of “Power Up for Profits.” Kathleen helps entrepreneurs make money online. Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.

Kathleen’s mission is to help people understand that their business is merely a means to get their message out to the world. She teaches that it’s not just about what you do, but the reasons behind why you do it.

Her newest book,Power Up For Profits; The Smart Woman’s Guide to Online Marketing is the perfect resource for any author who wants to reach more of their market in the fastest, most cost effective methods possible.

Connect with Kathleen Gage:

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