In part two of this two-part episode with Gabriella (Gorillas Workers’ Collective) and sociologist Dr. Moritz Altenried (Humbolt University Berlin) we address the challenges and chances of organizing migrant workers in the platform economy.

Die deutsche Übersetzung dieses zweiten Teils der zweiteiligen Folge zu migrantischer Arbeit und der Plattformökonomie kannst du in Kürze hier nachlesen.

In part two of this two-part episode with Gabriella (Gorillas Workers’ Collective) and sociologist Dr. Moritz Altenried (Humbolt University Berlin) we address the challenges and chances of organizing migrant workers in the platform economy.

Gorillas Workers’ Collective is active on Twitter: @GorillasWorkers
You can find Moritz' article on the relationship between migration and the gig economy here (open access). In his recently published book “The Digital Factory: The Human Labor of Automation” Moritz reveals the hidden human labor behind today’s digital tools, plattforms and services.

Rest of World is an interesting platform giving a global perspective on the developments in Tech and it's impact on societies and the environment. They have published a great article about gig-worker organizing across the globe: “We’re all fighting the giant”: Gig workers around the world are finally organizing.

On September 16. & 17. the Conference “Gute Arbeit in der Transformation” / “Decent work in Transformation” takes place at the TU Berlin (in German). Check out the program and register here!

On October 1. & 2. the Conference “Basis Stärken” of "Organisieren-Kämpfen-Gewinnen" takes place in Berlin. Check out the Program and register here

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