Following the lead of Georgia, a wave of new, fearless progressive leaders has been laying the groundwork for a political revolution in Texas. They’re changing the state's white cowboy narrative and with their leadership, the Lone Star State is poised to upend the political balance of power in America.

In this episode, Texas State Rep. Mary González joins us just mere hours after presiding over an appropriations subcommittee for the state, the 9th largest economy in the world. We discuss the political implications of the 2021 historic winter storm, the progressive power building movement happening in Texas, and the significance of her role as an openly queer woman of color in a historically conservative state.

And you heard it here first: Mary’s story will be a movie one day, starring Salma Hayek!

Texas State Representative Mary González - @RepMaryGonzalez
Julián Castro - @JulianCastro
2019 El Paso mass shooting:
1835 Texas Revolution

Media References
The Hurricane - 1999 Film with Denzel Washington
Lonesome Dove - 1989 Mini Series with Robert Duvall
Salma Hayek