A Deep Dive to rival all other Deep Dives.

Welcome to a Deep Dive on the upcoming Delve Holiday Special 2077, now in development at Total Pebble Red. Learn all about the graphics, the sound design, the star power and the revolutionary technology we are bringing to your ear holes. This is a podcast experience like no other before it that will remain unrivaled as the single greatest accomplishment of mankind. And we are definitely not making any false claims with our fingers crossed behind our backs.

You can follow Alex and Nathan on Twitter, as well as the show itself at DelvePodcast. Make sure you follow along to join in on all the topics!

Stop by our Discord server and say hello! Join us in chat, on one of our live shows, or let us know about something you’d like discussed on the show. Big thanks to Drunk Paul for helping us get to a Level 1 Discord server!

We are on iTunes & Google Play! Please rate, review and subscribe wherever you get finely crafted podcasts like this one!

Check out our YouTube page for more Delvecast projects in video form!

We are also on Twitch. Join us for DelveCast Live on the first Saturday of each month and also check out Alex’s live play channel.

If you have questions for us or would like to be a guest on the show, email us at [email protected].

And yes, we do indeed have a Patreon featuring some extra content. Thank you to our Shiny! level patrons: Bonnie Ainsworth and Nick!

You can get a Direct Download of the show, or listen below!


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