Aryan Sharma (@aryxnsharma) on leveraging Web3, building in public, and a page from the book of game theory—the signal behind the layers of complexity and hype.

Aryan Sharma is a 17-year-old builder and hacker in Web3. He’s also previously built two small startups in the education and hyper-local jobs space, and posts his thoughts on Twitter to over 10K followers.

“Many people have been thinking about Web3 as an isolated market... but the behavior has been existing for years. That’s a fundamental thing about the market. You can’t create a new behavior, you have to ride on waves of behavior in the market. And that form of serving the behavior has been changing.” ~Aryan Sharma

In this episode, we talk:

Distribution is key - and how you can leverage itPhilosophies driving Web3What's up with Schelling points, tokenization, decentralization, etc?


Aryan Sharma
Hacker @ Layer3xyz [@layer3xyz]
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Ellen Xu
On ITSPmagazine 👉


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