The recent EMC Forum events in both New York and Dallas featured a mainframe breakout track.  That’s right, mainframe is back; actually, it never went away.  The breakout track included:  “Mainframe: EMC Storage Solutions Vision and Strategy for z Systems”, “VMAX Mainframe Performance Update: Turbocharging Your Mission-Critical infrastructure with zBoost and zBoost PAV Optimizer”, ‘FAST: Game-Changing Storage Tiering for the Mainframe, “Disk Library for Mainframe (DLm) Concepts, Product and Performance Update”, and “Mainframe Birds of a Feather Discusses EMC Storage”

I tracked down one of the masterminds behind the highly successful track, a longtime friend of mine, David Kipp.  David is the Go-To-Market Lead for EMC Mainframe Solutions.  We spent some time talking about the track at the Dallas EMC Forum.

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