Maurice Harty and Joseph Correia have transformed the Hands on Labs for Dell Technologies World 2018. Moving to a modern Software Defined Datacenter stack, the hands-on labs are now able to deliver a common user experience across Dell Technologies products and solutions. Users have the ability to choose from a full lab or individual modules giving them the ability to customize their experience based on their interests. With labs based on technologies from Virtustream, Pivotal, VMware and Dell EMC, users have almost 50 labs to choose from, including vSpherre v6.5 What’s New, Pivotal Ready Architecture, Pivotal Container Services (PKS) and Kuberneties and VMware Pulse IoT Center 7 LIOTA (Little IoT Agent).

In addition to the Hands on Labs, Technical workshops provide the perfect class room setting for digging deeper into a number of familiar and emerging technologies. Workshops included a “Bockchain Hack-a-Thon” and Preparing for Your vSphere 6.5 upgrade.

Maurice and Joe were more than happy to share the latest in this episode of Dell EMC The Source Podcast.   For more details on the Hands-On-Zone, check out the official page and be sure to follow @DellEMCHOL.