Content Warning: There are strong, prevalent themes of memory manipulation and mind control in the series to follow.

Welcome to Halcyon City, the greatest metropolis the world has ever known, home to it’s mightiest heroes! In this issue we'll introduce our heroes: Titan, played by Justin Allen, Sol, played by Ashton Lorelle, White Knight played by Connor Casteel, and Muse played by Shawn Delp. Halcyon’s newest heroes must come together before it is too late. Will they bond into the team of the future? Or will they be defeated by a two ton gorilla? Find out in Masks: The Forge of Fortitude, issue one: the Licentious Linx’s Liberation.


This episode features the songs "Tension is Rising" and "Time to Move and Motivate" by the Insider on the album Alls Fair in Love and Wax.

APON Plays is produced by Chris Szumski, Ben Wallis, and Joshua Wise. This episode was edited by Ben Wallis and Shawn Delp.


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