Are you hurting in your marriage? Is emotional, physical or spiritual intimacy tough for your relationship? Do you want to grow in your connection with your spouse and your walk with God?

You matter...your marriage and family God and to us at Delight Your Marriage!

We want you to know that there is ALWAYS hope! 

As long as there is breath in the lungs, there is hope.

God is a God of the impossible and still a God of miracles! As a team, we are honored and humbled to see them regularly.

As humans, do we always get what we want? No. Do all struggles go away? No. 

That's not what we're talking about. 

Jesus said that in this world we WILL have trouble but to take heart because He has overcome the world!

Here at Delight Your Marriage, we take Jesus' words very seriously and believe in God's transforming power! He has transformed all of us and we have seen Him transform a whole lot of other people as well!

In that process, a LOT of times, marriages are healed and/or improved! Families are healed and/or improved! 

When our team gets together to celebrate, often we’re moved to tears because of the men, women, and children whose lives are impacted because of the marriages that are healed. It’s truly His work.

God is the ONLY One who can transform ashes and brokenness into beauty and fruitfulness! He can use ANY vessel that will yield to Him and allow Him to mold and shape their heart and mind.

You've likely heard the invitation to schedule a free Clarity Call if you want help for your marriage from Delight Your Marriage.

What does a Clarity Call look like and what does one expect to gain from the experience? Maybe you feel a little awkward or uncomfortable with the concept.

This podcast is a view “under the hood” into how we do Clarity Calls… 

You’ll meet Dana, a Delight Your Marriage Clarity Advisor, as well as Ray, Fran and James who share with you their specific experience in a Clarity Call.

Whatever holds you back, if you're hurting or would like to be even better in your marriage, Delight Your Marriage has been a whole lot of help to a whole lot of people by God's empowering and grace! We don't take credit for it, we're just His servants being obedient to His calling on our lives!

We'd love to help you, too! We invite you to "step into the water" by faith and see what God will do! 

Click here to schedule a free Clarity Call. 




Office Manager

Delight Your Marriage


From a current client: 

“I am starting mod [module/lesson] 6 and absolutely amazed at what God is doing in me and my marriage. I listened to several of your podcasts today. Thank you for being so willing to share truth with those who have an ear to hear.

Thank you!”