They're saying a lot of hurtful things.

They're saying it in a mean tone of voice.

Their face has the look of disgust, or worse.


You can feel your temperature rising. 

You can feel your face getting red. 

You can feel your rage welling up from the pit of your belly. 


Is it righteous indignation?

Is it because they need godly correction -- and fast?

Is it that you're just plain tired of being unfairly beaten down?



In the midst of that moment of emotional alarm...

When the atomic bomb is counting down and it feels like everything has to happen right then, or else...

And your "wise brain" - the prefrontal cortex - has gone completely offline and your "childish/immature brain" is the only thing left and can't seem to see anything but red alarm bells everywhere...


Here are 3 tools to dismantle the bomb BEFORE the explosion detonates and destroys and/or damages all that you hold dear

...hurting the people you love the most - those you're assigned by God to protect, respect, love, and cherish.


But just like a professional bomb dismantler (it's probably called that, right?)...

You've got to be trained AND you've got to practice before the bomb is about to go off. 

These are tools to practice. 

These are tools that will make you more like Jesus if you practice them. 

God has given us wonderful ways to respond to situations in the moment and here are 3 that I want you to have.

Looking forward to hearing how this impacts your life! 



PS - We'd love to help you have the marriage you deeply desire and increase how God can use you more effectively if you do have it.

Emotionally, physically, and spiritually fulfilled in God's design. 

Get on a call with one of our Clarity Advisors to let us hear your story and to have the insights to see how we can help you. 

This is a $300 value -- our gift to you for free -- so God can move in you and your marriage. 

It's a brave and important step to get your marriage healed: