I used to think "if I just got thin enough then I'd be confident." But, then I did. And I didn't. 

Our society tricks us into thinking beauty is only a certain thing. But God made us beautiful. And when you don't love your body your chances of loving sex is far lower. 

On this episode I want to help you see more clearly and not have the inappropriate expectations of yourself that is inhibiting your joy and passion in sex. 

I also have some help for husbands on how to help their wives in this area. 

I used to be bulimic when I met my husband. He has loved me through lots of different shapes of my body and I gotta tell you, that kind of love encourages a wife to be sexually free and pleasured.

I answer:

How can you feel more confident in your body Why the negativity is stealing your sex drive How you can conquer the inner critic The balance between loving your body and being healthy What the FIRST step is to getting there

If you'd like more specific tips on how to seduce, here's a FREE resource for you: The 5 Tips On Amazing Seduction PDF




Also, if you are looking to get clear on what's really blocking you from having incredible intimacy, I'd like to invite you to a FREE 40-minute Clarity Call ($500 value) with me to help you uncover what is really going on. If I think you'd be a good fit for one of my programs then we can talk about that. But you'll get fantastic value either way! Schedule here!