Hi there! This is part 2 of my chat with Ruth Buezis, author of Awaken Love. You can listen to part 1 here. If you loved listening to part 1, part 2 delves deeper into the specifics of lovemaking and Ruth and I's thoughts about the different types of orgasm that women would love to experience. 


Other things we talk about:

Just having sex vs. getting to know each other through sex The dynamics of who leads during intercourse The in and out movement for a man, it's good for him. But how about the woman? The three ways women can have orgasms What does the Bible say about sex Is the intercourse you're having with your spouse the kind of intercourse that leads to orgasm? The clitoral alignment technique: what is it exactly?

Some helpful things for the wives:

What you can do to allow you to discover new and interesting feelings during intercourse The journey you can take to learn more about the orgasms you can experience Understanding new concepts and ideas that are related to orgasms G-spot vs clitoral orgasm The common anxiety wives experience before intercourse

Also, if you’d like a free 1:1 Clarity Call with Belah -- a $500 value -- she is offering that free to her audience. If you’re a man or a woman and are seeking for things to be transformed in your marriage and intimacy--this is for you! Here you will get insights into what’s blocking you from incredible intimacy in your marriage. Sign up for a time to speak to Belah at www.delightyourmarriage.com/call



Belah's book---Delight Your Husband: A Christian wife's manual to passion, confidence and oral sex---may be the tool God would use to bring light and joy to your marriage bed. 

If you're at a place of desire for change in intimacy in your marriage--men or women--consider signing up for a free Clarity Call ($500 value!) where you and Belah will dive deep into what's going on in your marriage and help you uncover what is blocking amazing intimacy! From couples that hadn't made love in years to couples who were in an affair--God has brought passion, healing and fun to these marriages!

She's currently offering this 40min Clarity Call opportunity to podcast listeners for free! Schedule here.